Horsehead Nebula Horsehead Nebula

Past Speakers

The Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group and its members are very grateful to all of the following guest speakers who have attended our meetings.


Date Speaker Topic
June 2024 Dr Jakob van den Eijnden - University of Warwick UK Stellar cannibalism: the messy etiquette of the universe's most extreme stars
May 2024 Professor Geraint Lewis - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Supermassive black holes and time in the Early Universe
April 2024 Ian Bridges - Linden Observatory Trust Ken Beames - Telescope Maker and Engineer
March 2024 Lesa Moore - Astronomical Society of NSW Women in Astronomy - Apollo, a Great Wall and a Fat Gorilla
February 2024 Dr Shi Dai - Western Sydney University Magnetic field reversal in the turbulent environment around a repeating fast radio burst



Date Speaker Topic
November 2023 Professor Miroslav Filipovic – Western Sydney University PER ASPERA AD ASTRA
October 2023 Dr Ángel R. López-Sánchez - Macquarie University Dissecting nearby galaxies using optical and radio telescopes
September 2023 Dave Gault - WSAAG member A history of Asteroid Occultations observations
August 2023 Associate Professor Tony Travouillon - Australian National University Spectroscopy in the era of wide field surveys
July 2023 Sammy Yousef - WSAAG member Binocular Astronomy on a Budget
June 2023 Peter Nosworthy - WSAAG member Houston, We Have Some Problems!
May 2023 Dr Luke Barnes - Western Sydney University Aristotle, Newton, Einstein
April 2023 Dr Tayyaba Zafar - Macquarie University Dust: a building block of structures in the universe
March 2023 David Lloyd-Jones - WSAAG member Easy EAA Deep Sky Viewing using SharpCap
February 2023 Tony Barry - WSAAG member Southern EXTA - just another brick in the wall



Date Speaker Topic
November 2022 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member The History of the Evans 30-inch Telescope at Linden Observatory
October 2022 Dr Alex Cameron - University of Oxford The first data from JWST: providing answers or raising questions?
September 2022 Albany Asher - Western Sydney University Why does a ball fall?: Newton’s Gravity vs Einstein’s Gravity
August 2022 Peter Macgregor - Western Sydney University Odd Radio Circles - a new astronomical object?
July 2022 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member Hickson Compact Groups
May 2022 Sarah Caddy - Macquarie University SkyHopper: Australia’s First Near-Infrared Space Telescope
April 2022 Tony Barry - WSAAG member Instant Galaxies - Real-time Electronically Assisted Astronomy
March 2022 Professor Jonti Horner - University of Southern Queensland Rocks From Space
February 2022 Dr Chris Matthew - Australian Catholic University A Past-time that is ‘Out of this World’: Hunting Exoplanets at Home



Date Speaker Topic
November 2021 Alan Plummer – WSAAG member Variable Stars
October 2021 Professor Ray Norris - Western Sydney University ORCs live in giant cosmic bubbles
September 2021 Ted Dobosz – WSAAG member DIY Amateur Home Observatory - My Journey and Options to Consider
August 2021 Peter Nosworthy – WSAAG member The discovery of the moon of an asteroid by occultation methods
July 2021 Dr Belinda Nicholson - University of Oxford Finding earth: the triumphs and challenges of detecting planets around other stars
June 2021 Professor Geraint Lewis - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Do I expand with the Universe? Understanding modern cosmology
May 2021 Professor Richard de Grijs – Macquarie University Is bigger always better?
April 2021 Dr Luke Barnes – Western Sydney University The Cosmic Revolutionary's Handbook (Or: How to Beat the Big Bang)
March 2021 Dr Duncan Wright - University of Southern Queensland Exoplanetary Science: The Past and Future
February 2021 Dr Chris Matthew - Australian Catholic University Around, and Around, and Around: A Re-Examination of Eratosthenes’ Measurement of the Circumference of the Earth



Date Speaker Topic
November 2020 Professor Ray Norris - CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science and Western Sydney University New discoveries from EMU: humankind's largest radio survey of the sky
October 2020 Professor Geraint Lewis - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Stellar Streams in the Southern Sky
September 2020 Peter Nosworthy – WSAAG member Building a Remote Controlled Home Observatory
August 2020 Dave Gault – WSAAG member ESOP XXXVIII, Paris and SEXTA
July 2020 Dr Chris Matthew - Australian Catholic University Special Relativity made (Relatively) Simple
June 2020 Dr Stuart Ryder - Macquarie University Where do Fast Radio Bursts come from?
February 2020 Marnie Ogg - Australasian Dark Sky Alliance Night



Date Speaker Topic
November 2019 Ted Dobosz – WSAAG member "Sky Catchers" - A Journey Through Time
October 2019 Dr Chris Matthew - Australian Catholic University The Riches of the Universe
September 2019 David Lloyd-Jones – WSAAG member How Big Is It?
August 2019 Dr Lee Spitler - Macquarie University The Huntsman Telescope
July 2019 Robert Brand - ThunderStruck Aerospace From Apollo to Mars
June 2019 Dr Chris Matthew - Australian Catholic University From Chaos to Cosmos: How the Ancient Greeks saw the Universe
May 2019 Dr Luke Bozzetto - La Trobe University From Dust to Destruction
April 2019 Professor Geraint Lewis - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney The end of time: the future history of the universe
March 2019 Ross Pogson – Australian Museum (Sydney) Meteorites
February 2019 Professor Miroslav Filipovic – Western Sydney University Fly with "SOFIA"



Date Speaker Topic
November 2018 Dr Luke Barnes – Western Sydney University How did the Universe make Order from Chaos?
October 2018 Dr Mireia Montes Quiles – University of New South Wales The ghost light that illuminates clusters of galaxies
September 2018 Phil Knight – WSAAG member Astronomy 2018 (Quasar Publishing). Astronomy Trivia Quiz.
August 2018 Tony Barry – WSAAG member Occultation Report
July 2018 Amy Shira Teitel – Space Historian The Not-Quite-Right Stuff
June 2018 Peter Nosworthy – WSAAG member Using Remote Observatories
May 2018 Dr Nick Tothill - Western Sydney University The Cherenkov Telescope Array - observing the highest-energy gamma-rays from the Universe
April 2018 Professor Fred Watson AM - Australian Astronomical Observatory Science vs Fake News
March 2018 Dr Christene Lynch - University of Sydney Extreme space weather and the habitability of extrasolar planets
February 2018 Professor Ray Norris - CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science and Western Sydney University Did the Seven Sisters come out of Africa?



Date Speaker Topic
November 2017 Professor Geraint Lewis - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Cannibal Giants and Mighty Dwarfs: the story of how we got here
October 2017 Ted Dobosz – WSAAG member Total Solar Eclipse - Casper USA
September 2017 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member Sourcing Astro Data
August 2017 Bob Evans – WSAAG member Supernova research, past and present
July 2017 David Lloyd-Jones – WSAAG member Polar Alignment - A New Approach
June 2017 Dr Stuart Ryder - Australian Astronomical Observatory A Night on SOFIA
May 2017 Dr Emil Lenc - University of Sydney Journey to the Edge of the Universe - 3 Years of Research with the MWA
April 2017 Dr Luke Barnes – Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney The Cosmic Cheat Sheet: Become an astrophysicist in 30 minutes!
March 2017 Alan Plummer – WSAAG member Amateur Astronomy Pays Well
February 2017 Dr Jordan Collier - Western Sydney University Infrared-Faint Radio Sources: a new population of high-redshift radio galaxies



Date Speaker Topic
November 2016 Professor Fred Watson AM - Australian Astronomical Observatory Moon Mysteries - A Celebration Of Our Nearest Celestial Neighbour
October 2016 Professor Geraint Lewis - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Is The Universe Fine-tuned For Life?
September 2016 Dr Elaina Hyde - Australian Astronomical Observatory A Journey Through The Sagittarius Stream
August 2016 Dr Lee Spitler - Macquarie University A Night In The Life Of An Astronomer
July 2016 Dr Jonathan Marshall - University of New South Wales Linking Planets and Dust in Planetary Systems
June 2016 Dave Gault, Tony Barry and Hristov Pavlov – WSAAG members Pluto Occultation and the Lucky Star Program
May 2016 Ted Dobosz – WSAAG member Image Processing in Astrophotography
April 2016 Professor Ray Norris - CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science Planning For Unexpected Discoveries With EMU
March 2016 Dr Richard McDermid - Macquarie University What’s the Matter with Massive Galaxies?
February 2016 Hristo Pavlov – WSAAG member Spectroscopy for Amateur Astronomers



Date Speaker Topic
November 2015 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member Milky Way Globular Clusters
October 2015 Dr Lisa Harvey-Smith - CSIRO Square Kilometre Array
September 2015 Raelene Sommer - Western Sydney University Space Junk
August 2015 Professor Geraint Lewis - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Einstein: Space-Time, Black Holes and Expanding Universes
July 2015 Dr Dennis Stello - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Updates from the NASA Kepler Mission
June 2015 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member Observing the Night Sky
June 2015 Tony Barry – WSAAG member Video Astronomy and Deep-Sky Imaging
May 2015 Dr Nick Tothill - University of Western Sydney Antarctic Astronomy
April 2015 Gerry Aarts – WSAAG member Astrophotography Explained
March 2015 Alan Plummer – Project Leader, Variable Stars South (VSS) Working With What We Have - Astronomy Under Sydney's Skies
February 2015 Dave Gault - WSAAG Member Mutual Phenomena of the Satellites of Jupiter



Date Speaker Topic
November 2014 Professor Miroslav Filipovic - University of Western Sydney Supernova Remnants in the Magellanic Clouds
October 2014 Dr Emil Lenc - University of Sydney Leading a revolution in radio astronomy - ASKAP and the MWA
August 2014 Professor Fred Watson AM - Australian Astronomical Observatory Good Morning Starshine
July 2014 Ted Dobosz – WSAAG member Camera Selection For Astrophotography
July 2014 Tony Barry and Dave Gault – WSAAG members Amateur Contributions In Astronomy
June 2014 Dr Ettore Carretti - CSIRO Giant "geysers" from the centre of the Milky Way
May 2014 Dr Caroline Foster - Australian Astronomical Observatory Probing Faint Stellar Structures Using Bright Astronomical Tracers
April 2014 Professor Michael Burton - University of New South Wales The Life Cycle of the Interstellar Medium
March 2014 Bob Paton - WSAAG Member Solar Imaging
February 2014 Dr Nicholas Bate - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Galactic Cannibalism in the Local Group



Date Speaker Topic
November 2013 Associate Professor Miroslav Filipovic - University of Western Sydney Aliens
October 2013 Joe Callingham - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Murchison Widefield Array
September 2013 Andrew O’Brien - University of Western Sydney Seeing the Invisible
August 2013 Dave Gault and Hristo Pavlov - WSAAG Members Asteroid Occultations
July 2013 Dave Gault - WSAAG Member Visual Occultation Observations
June 2013 Dr Stuart Ryder - Australian Astronomical Observatory Detecting Supernovae in Luminous Infrared Galaxies
May 2013 Dr Michael Ireland - Macquarie University Exoplanet Detection Methods
April 2013 Dr Jonathan Horner - University of New South Wales Rocks From Space
March 2013 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member Eyepiece field of view
February 2013 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member An attempt at observing an occultation with the Linden 30 inch telescope
February 2013 Tony Barry – WSAAG member Visual observing with the Linden 30 inch telescope



Date Speaker Topic
November 2012 Tony Barry – WSAAG member Pluto occultation of 26th August 2012
November 2012 Gerry Flanagan – WSAAG member The total solar eclipse at Cairns
November 2012 Bob Paton – WSAAG member The partial solar eclipse at Mt Canobolas
October 2012 Raelene Sommer - Astronomy and Science Education Officer (UWS) Cosmic Collisions
September 2012 Dr Ángel Rafael López-Sánchez - Australian Astronomical Observatory Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies
August 2012 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member Binary Stars
July 2012 Sammy Yousef – WSAAG member Binoculars
June 2012 Dr Amanda Bauer - Australian Astronomical Observatory A long time ago in galaxies far, far, away...
May 2012 Alan Plummer – Visual Research Coordinator, Variable Stars South (VSS) Observing the observers through the light curve of Eta Carinae
April 2012 Dr Maria Cunningham - University of New South Wales Organic Molecules in the Interstellar Medium
March 2012 Dr Nick Lomb - Curator of Astronomy at Sydney Observatory The Transit of Venus - 1631 to the Present
February 2012 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member Visual observing and star hopping



Date Speaker Topic
November 2011 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member Visual magnitude and surface brightness
September 2011 Tony Barry and Dave Gault – WSAAG members Video Astronomy
August 2011 Professor Mike Dopita - Australian National University Re-ionization of the Universe
June 2011 Rodney Moulder – WSAAG member Demonstration of the EQ6 mount and Meade LX 75 telescope
May 2011 Associate Professor Paul Francis - Australian National University Comets
April 2011 Hristo Pavlov – WSAAG member Near Earth Object 2011 GP59
April 2011 Alex Boyd – WSAAG member Demonstration of Stellarium, Celestia and Mitaka
March 2011 Dr Tim Robishaw - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Radio Polarimetry
February 2011 Professor Simon O’Toole - Australian Astronomical Observatory Exoplanets and the SPADES Project



Date Speaker Topic
October 2010 Professor Fred Watson AM - Australian Astronomical Observatory An Alien Like You - Life on other Worlds
August 2010 Professor Mark Wardle - Macquarie University Sagittarius A*
May 2010 Fred Vanderhaven - Amateur Astrophotographer Astrophotography
April 2010 Dr David Malin - Australian Astronomical Observatory Galileo's Legacy
March 2010 Don Whiteman - Bintel Life as a Telescope Technician
February 2010 Dr Miroslav Filipovic - University of Western Sydney SETI program at UWS



Date Speaker Topic
November 2009 Professor Tim Bedding - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Asteroseismology
September 2009 Alex Boyd – WSAAG member Using Stellarium
September 2009 Rob Horvat – WSAAG member Night sky objects for southern observers
July 2009 Dr Graeme White Extrasolar Planet Searches
June 2009 Professor Geraint Lewis - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Influence of Dark Energy and Dark Matter on our Universe
May 2009 Alan Plummer – Visual Research Coordinator, Variable Stars South (VSS) Observing Variable Stars
April 2009 Donna Burton - Telescopes Systems Support Engineer at Siding Spring My Experiences at Siding Spring
Professor Dick Hunstead - Sydney Institute for Astronomy - University of Sydney Lyman Alpha Absorption
